Council’s Role in Accessible Services
Monash Council has a Metro Access Worker to support people with disabilities to participate fully in community life.
They are responsible for working with support providers to ensure people with disabilities can access services and information required.
Contact Barb Wallace on 9518 3555 or for more information.
Monash Access and Inclusion Network
The Monash Access and Inclusion Network meets five times a year over lunch to discuss and share information amongst community members and service providers within Monash.
They look to provide opportunities for individuals and services to update links and partnerships between each other.
Disability Advisory Committee
The Disability Advisory Committee aims to create an understanding, compassionate and accessible community for the members who may be living with a disability.
Accessible Transport and Parking Permits
The Multi Purpose Taxi Program assists with the travel needs of people with severe and permanent disabilities by offering subsidised taxi fares to members.
While Monash may only have a limited number of disabled parking bays with a parking permit you may park in regular bays for double the time as signed.
Category 1 permit holders may park in either a disabled parking bay for the time signed or a regular bay for double the time signed.
Category 2 permit holders may only park in regular bays but may do so for double the time as signed.
- Wheelchair Access
- Disabled Parking
- Adult sized change table
- Ceiling hoist
- Disabled Toilet
- Disabled Facilities
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