

Westfeild Coomera

Address103 Foxwell Rd, Coomera QLD 4209


Phone 02 9358 7000


Wheel chair accessible shopping centre
Wheel chair accessible shopping centre


We want to ensure all of our customers can navigate around our centre with ease and offer the following services to assist with accessibility.

All our pathways are over 81 cm wide and are either flat or have a ramp.

Concierge desk

Our friendly concierge team are located near Centre Court and are available to help you with directions, store information, lost property, transport, parking information and more.

Accessible services

Mobility hire
For mobility-impaired customers, we offer complimentary wheelchairs and power shoppers. Historically, wheelchairs and power shoppers are in high demand and will therefore be subject to availability. To guarantee availability, you will be able to email our concierge team to book your mobility equipment in advance.

Please note, to hire a mobility vehicle, you will need proof of identification, which should be either a valid passport, driver’s license or proof of age card. On presentation of these, you’ll be asked to fill out a hire agreement form.

Disabled parking
We also offer complimentary parking to customers that hold a disability permit. You can register your disability permit at the Concierge Desk and a member of our team will register you to receive complimentary validation each time you shop. If you don’t wish to register, you will be able to take your disability permit to the Concierge Desk during your visit, and they will validate your parking.

For your convenience, you will also find disabled parking in all car parks across the centre. We have 36 disabled parking bays at convenient locations.

Our concierge team will be able to find the best parking for mobility-impaired customers and discuss which of our car parks will best suit your needs during your visit.

Accessible amenities

Changing Places facility
Westfield Coomera offers a Changing Places facility located in the corridor between Footmaster and Colour Nails.

What is Changing Places?
Our Changing Places facility offers a full sized change table and hoist to meet the needs of people with severe and profound disabilities. With over 1.3 million Australian’s having a profound or severe core limitation, the lack of toilet facilities available to them is a major social barrier preventing families and individuals from enjoying basic day to day activities, like visiting Westfield Coomera.

Our Changing Places facility includes:

  • A height adjustable adult sized changing bench
  • A constant charging ceiling track hoist system
  • A centrally located peninsula toilet
  • Circulation spaces
  • Automatic door with a clear opening of 950mm

In addition, all of our restrooms have a wheelchair accessible toilet.



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